Friday, January 2, 2009

My New Years Resolution

I have several things to accomplish this year, so I guess I will get started:

1. Lose 50 pounds. Since I started working in the office full time a year ago, I have lost all physical discipline and have really balooned up. That needs to change, so I am going to lose 50 pounds by July 4th, so this year I can run away from the exploding tubes during the fireworks show that I couldn't get away from last year.

2. Get a more rewarding job. I like my job, but the 50 hours a week and the 20 hours extra driving are really starting to get to me. So I am working on getting back to the tech side, either audio or video somewhere.

3. Prioritize my family. I live to work, not work to live. That will change.

4. Enjoy my hobbies more. Saxophone, bass guitar, sound, car racing... these are passions that have been ignored in 2008.

5. Keep in touch with friends. I have 4 very good friends, Krista, Erin, Gene and Chris. I have not talked to them hardly at all this year.

6. Apologize to some other people that I didn't mention above.

So there it is... I will keep you posted.

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