Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carving away at New Years Resolutions

I have started to carve away at the New Years resolutions. First one complete, FIND A BETTER JOB...

I have accepted and moved into a new position at our company. I am no longer managing a checkbook and doing the billing and HR for one of the divisions. I am now the Director of Information Systems and Technology for the entire company, along with supporting a company we are buying and assisting the owner with other properties he owns, etc. I am really happy to have the new job because of the change in the amount of time that I will be at work, and it allows me to really get back to the technology that I know will sustain me for years to come.

Now to get to the other things...

1 comment:

Kim said...

Congratulations! It's always nice to get a better job! I hope you enjoy what you're doing.